Glad to come in from the cold (brr!), we started this month’s meeting by finalizing the year’s schedule. There are some interesting challenges coming up. At our April meeting, we will celebrate Easter and spring with a rabbit exchange. Small rabbits, please. You know how fast they can multiply! The challenge for the Indy/Cincy joint meeting in May is Alice in Wonderland—any character, but potentially more rabbits there, too. And we are gathering children’s storybook-themed dolls for our library display in June. Children’s books are just chock-full of rabbits!
We reviewed our back-burnered pattern book project (passed to Holly from Cody), and noticed that many of the doll patterns that were submitted were from former club members. We’d really like to have the greater proportion of the patterns be from current members, so we’re inviting everyone to submit a small, not-too-complicated sample doll with a short pattern (1-3 pages) for consideration for the book. We’re hoping to sell copies of the book at shows and joint meetings and get wealthy.
Katie dazzled us all with a zentangle workshop. Hope you all got her emailed pattern. She demonstrated both direct-fabric and pre-gessoed methods. Our practice-dolls were a bit more tangled than zenned, but by the end we were beginning to get the hang of it. Katie also gave out suggestions for the best books and online tangle patterns.

Below: Kathy also sported a new purse she had knitted.
Left: Liz answer to the heart charm challenge is an elegant lady with painted legs in an equally elegant chair that her husband found for her.
Right: Sue made a charming “un-fay” polymer clay and wrapped armature character, a-la Dawn Schiller. A great warm-up for her impending AFIC Fetch class.
Holly brought a page for Liz’s altered book project (no image available). Her answer to the heart charm challenge was a small fairy that she made as a prototype for her library dolls—Bob Grahame’s April and Esme (the tooth fairy’s daughters).
Katie's answer to the heart charm challenge was to add a heart to one of her cute Charlie Charm dolls.
She also brought in a lovely quilt panel from a monthly challenge issued by CQAFA (Contemporary Quilt & Fiber Art Guild).
Below: Debbie passed around a basket of her fabulous embellished spirit dolls.
Next meeting, March 16, 2013
March 16 will be a working meeting. You can bring your pre-work for AFIC, or help Holly stuff bags for the make-and-take we’ll be pedaling in Columbus.
Reminder: Liz is still looking for contributions for her altered book project. The page needs to be 4” wide x 6-1/2” tall. It should be about you. Any media. So you can also work on those. Or bring your mending. But don’t miss the fun!